Antietam National Battlefield

A few quibbles with the park film, Gen. Lee was not “the most handsome man ever to wear a uniform”, the US Army should not be described—at least in this country—as “the enemy”, and Antietam was not a ‘draw’. Like at the bridge above, the Confederate Army held the high ground, the Union Army attacked, and at the end of the day, the Union occupied the field, north, south and center. Since a truce was declared after 12 hours of fighting to clear the field of 23,000 casualties, technically it may have been a “redeployment” back to Virginia, but the war turned on these fields and hills in Maryland. And Lee retreated.

This one battle was bloodier than all of America’s previous wars, and, especially due to photos of the aftermath, it forever changed our perception of war. Clara Barton followed the sound of battle and arrived to provide medical aid, years before she founded the Red Cross. Any hope of a negotiated settlement was gone, and Lincoln drafted the Emancipation Proclamation within a few days.